DMS grant application

DMS travel stipend

The Danish Microbiological Society supports BSc and MSc student at Danish universities for travel as part of their studies.

Travel stipends are given for:

• Travel for working in another laboratory to learn new techniques of relevance to the project.
• Participation in courses outside Denmark, of relevance to the project .
• Field work that is part of the project.


Deadline for applications is Tuesday the 1st of October 2024.

You can apply for travel expenses, costs of living while traveling and bench fees at foreign institutions.

The maximum amount that can be applied for is 5.000 DKK. 

Grants are awarded for shorter or longer stays in research groups, i.e. not participation in conferences, workshops, meetings or student exchange programs.

Please find more information on how to apply here

General Assembly and Symposium

Every year in March, DMS has its General Assembly followed by a symposium.

In 2024 the theme of the symposium was ‘Microbial Interactions’. 

Past General Assemblies

DMS General Assembly & Symposium 2024
DMS logo

Other events

Please contact the DMS secretariat at: if you have relevant events or links for the list.

The secretariat will evaluate all requests and reserves the right to turn down requests if the events are not considered relevant for the target group of DMS.